Friday, August 30, 2013

Rumble Report - August, 2013

The Bay City Rumble Report
 By: ADudeNamed Anthony

There once was a girl named "Hannah",
She had a lot of work in Montana.
But then there was somebody called "Miley",
Who now has twerk in an alley.

First, thank you Ben, Fenix and Marianne for helping out. Everything went flawlessly!

And now for something completely.....the same:


August 1st:
Demolition Derby
Host: ADudeNamed Anthony
Everybody's favorite run, demolition derby baby! It's the carnage for the drivers, rubbernecking for the spectators and willful denial of insurance claims by the insurance companies! Somebody added some pyrotechnic effects at the end with some glowing particles. I am not sure who it was, but it looked great.

August 8th:
Vehicle: Boats
Host: Fenix Eldritch
Winner - First Lag: Cyclops Region
Winner - Second Lag: Marianne McCann
 Yes, that's right. A region won the first race. It was last reported eating avatars, digesting them, then spewing them out somewhere in a private adult region at an unknown location on the grid.

August 15th:
Dennis 500
Vehicle: Cars, Lapped
Host: Benjamin Wahl:
Winner - First Race: Fenix Eldritch
Winner - Second Race: ADudeNamed Anthony
Winner - Third Race: Marianne McCann
 This race was interesting as the bridge in Edgartown was stuck...again. Luckily it was only one side, so we just ran the race backwards and jumped it. Piece of cake. 

August 22nd:
Airplane Classic
Vehicle: Aircraft
Host: Marianne McCann
Winner - First Lag: Marianne McCann
Winner - Second Lag: Marianne McCann
So, ladies and gentleman, in case you didn't know, Marianne OWNS the airways.    :-)

August 29th:
Wildcard - Freebie Run
Vehicle: Freebie Cars
Host: ADudeNamed Anthony
Winner - First Lag: Fenix Eldritch
Winner - Second Lag: ADudeNamed Anthony
 The fairgrounds were occupied by the Hot Bay City Nights stuff, so this is what we did.

September's Tentative Schedule:
September 5th: Cannonsphere Run - Cars
September 12th: Boat Run - Water Craft
September 19th: Dennis 500 - Cars, Lapped
September 26th: Airplane Classic - Aircraft
(All events and locations subject to change.)

"Thanks fer playin'!"
See you at the next Rumble!
ADudeNamed Anthony